Software: PhotoImpact 12
Author: MaryLou White
Home Page: Wishing Well Tutorials

Title: Doodle Tiles Plus
Skill Level: Beginner

Description: Turn your doodles into beautiful colorful tiles! This tutorial will show you how. You'll also learn how to use photos and other images to create even more variations.

PhotoImpact 12 has several preset work modes. For this tutorial, we will be using the Full Edit mode so all of the tools in PhotoImpact will be available to you.

As you work, use your mouse to drag this along with you to mark your place.


  1. Open a new image, 150x150.

  2. Use the paint brush and any color of your choice and doodle away on the tile. There is no right or wrong way - we all doodle differently. Use some narrow lines and some a bit wider. Use a pen tablet if you have one. You can doodle a little or a lot, that's up to you.

  3. Click on Effect\Distort\Creative Warp. Click the Reset button to clear any previous design.

  4. Click on the 5th patterned box on the bottom of the screen. Then click the 4th box. Watch the image change in the preview window. If you don't like it, click the Reset button to start over. Click the Undo button to undo the last step. Try some of the other patterns as well. Each new pattern builds on top of the previous one giving you an endless number of combinations.

    When you are happy with your tile, click okay. Save your lovely new tile on your hard drive for future use.

  5. To preview your new tile, click File\Preview in Browser\As Tiled Background. If you prefer a smaller tile, click Adjust\Resize and change the size to about 80%.


Start with a solid background color, then doodle with some contrasting colors. This will result in a more "solid" look after applying the Creative Wrap. Here's an example:

For a muted background tile, right-click, Select All, right-click, Convert to Object, click Properties, change transparency to about 50% or whatever suits you. When finished, right-click and Merge All.


Using several colors, try different brushes in the Easy Palette, such as chalk, crayon, airbrush, etc. Make some with lots of doodling, some with just a little. You'll be amazed at some of the effects.

Samples Using Different Brushes






Instead of brushes, try photographs. Crop out a square 150x150. They make interesting and unique tiles that can be used as fill patterns as well as background tiles.
Look closely at the last one and you can see the face in the image.

Samples Using Various Photographs


Stop Sign


A Face

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Copyright© MaryLou White.
This document may not be translated, duplicated, redistributed or otherwise appropriated without permission.